Jürgen Renn

Jürgen Renn is Director at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Honorary Professor for the History of Science at the Humboldt-University Berlin, Honorary Professor for Physics at the Free University Berlin, Adjunct Professor for Philosophy and Physics at Boston University. His research focuses on the history of early modern mechanics, the history of relativity theory, and the interaction between cognitive and contextual factors in the history of science.
Jürgen Renn

List of Publications

Proceedings 11

Culture and Cognition

Contributions by some of Peter Damerow’s closest companions, colleagues, and friends presented at a workshop held in his honor at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in December 19–20, 2013.
Proceedings 8

Shifting Paradigms

Studies of the history of the history of science, with emphasis on the work of T.S. Kuhn.
Proceedings 6

„Dem Anwenden muss das Erkennen vorausgehen“

Ansätze zu Selbstverständnis, Transformation und Forschung in der Geschichte der KWG/MPG.
Studies 3

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Neolithikum bis zum Alten Orient.
Studies 4

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Alten Ägypten bis zum Antiken Rom.
Studies 5

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit.
Proceedings 5

Traditions and Transformations in the History of Quantum Physics

Studies on the history of theory, experimentation, and interpretation of quantum physics.
Studies 1

The Globalization of Knowledge in History

The extent to which globalized knowledge also existed in the past is an open question and, moreover, a question that is important for understanding present processes of globalization.
Proceedings 1

Herausforderung Energie

Die Atomdiskussion des Jahres 2011 berührt vielschichtige Aspekte der Energieversorgung. Das Buch bietet dazu aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen aktuell Informationen und Hintergründe in allgemein verständlicher Form.

Further Contributions

1 Introduction

In: Culture and Cognition